
My family started going to Baby Signing Time classes with The Signing Connection in Round Rock and Austin, TX, when our son was about 8 months old. I had read a lot about the benefits of learning ASL with babies and toddlers, and it seemed like a fun way to spend family time together.

When our son started signing “milk,” “more,” and “food,” we were excited. Then one day he used a sign we didn’t use around the house! After that his vocabulary exploded, and I was totally hooked.

I became a Baby Signing Time instructor because we love signing with our son, and I hope to share that joy with other families. I am also delighted to pair my background in music and teaching with young children and families.

My formal background includes a B.A. in Music (vocal performance and music theory emphasis) and a B.S. in Psychology, both from the University of Florida. While I have taught voice lessons to some children and adults, my primary teaching training came through ballroom dance by way of Fred Astaire Dance Studios in Houston, TX. My family started taking Baby Signing Time classes with The Signing Connection in Round Rock and Austin, TX, and I am currently studying ASL online.

Please check out my current class schedule at my website or Facebook page, or send me an email!